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Qingjian Group Ranked among the Top 300 of the Top 500 Enterprises in China


  On August 31, The Issuing for China’s Top 500 Enterprises and Summit of China’s Large Enterprises in 2013 was held in Kunming. Qingjian Group Co., Ltd ranked in 290th with an operating income of 35.79 billion Yuan, which moves up 15 places compared with it in 2012. The strategic target of stepping into the top 300 has been realized in advance.


  The oversea operating income of China’s large enterprises increases fast, but the growth speed decreases sharply. In the top 500 enterprises in China in 2013, there are 271 enterprises filling and reporting the overseas operating income information, which increases 4 enterprises compared with it last year. The 271 enterprises mentioned above realizes a total overseas operating income of 5.72 trillion Yuan, which increases by 16.26% compared with last year’s 4.92 trillion Yuan; the overseas operating income accounts for 11.43% of the 271 enterprises’ total operating income, which is almost flat with last year’s 11.4%.


  In this year, there are 44 construction enterprises being selected, which increases by 2 enterprises compared with it of last year. The Group Company ranks 21st in the construction industry, which moves up 2 places compared with last year. The total operating income of the 44 construction enterprises reaches 3.69 trillion Yuan, which increases by 10.46% compared with last year and the growth speed decreases slightly; the profit increases by 15.1% compared with last year and the growth speed increases in a certain scope. The average profit rate is 1.37%, which decreases by 0.01 percent point compared with last year. The top 3 of the construction industry remains the same with last year, China State Construction Engineering Cooperation (571.6 billion Yuan) ranks in the first, China Railway Construction Engineering Cooperation (486.8 billion Yuan) and China Railway Group Co., Ltd (483.9 billion Yuan) is the second and the third.
